Astraware Sudoku - the implementation version of the classic Japanese Sudoku for smart phones with the Symbian operating system. Sudoku is a logic game with the field in a square the size of 9x9, divided into smaller squares with a 3-cell. Thus, the entire board has been of 81 cells. Already at the beginning of the game are some of the numbers (1 through 9). The aim of the game Astraware Sudoku - fill the cells with digits from 1 to 9 so that every row, column and 3x3 square using each digit only once. Main features of Astraware Sudoku: Learn the rules and strategies of the game to give tags manually or automatically select style tags, integrated solver of puzzles for registered users: download new puzzles to solve their own puzzles, a generator of new puzzles, 6 levels of difficulty .
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