Save To CHM - Many people often have the habit to save pages of interest to the hard disk. This can be done, then they would see the store on another computer on the CD-ROM for long use and so on. This has a major drawback. If you can page the number of files to save grow to enormous quantities, making it difficult for them to navigate and find information. The situation is complicated by the fact that at present the majority of the pages contain graphics and Internet Explorer saves all the images on the page. Studies have shown that if the 10 pages created over 100 files! Agreed that the focus is in an amount not very easy. But now, after the plug save CHM, it is in the past. Problems with a large number of files that appear when you save it, solved. When using the Save To CHM now all pages in a file that you saved a universal repository of HTML pages. Save To CHM, a file format, CHM, in which he writes all the stored pages.
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