Saturday, January 5, 2013

Mobile salesman 4.1.6

Mobile Apps - a program for creating, storing, processing and transmitting information from a sales representative directly from the socket to the main database of the company over the Internet. Information can. Sent / received on the device sales staff with wireless Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPRS Mobile vendor provides the following benefits: reducing cycle time of the preparation of goods for dostake, reduce the cost of the public operator, increasing the speed of obtaining money through sales representatives, control the process of moving dealer route, obtaining information on the balance of goods in stock online , the rapid acquisition information on the status of the settlements with the customer to generation of client and the rapid transfer to the database distributor, flows over the received obplate, shorter documentation for orders. Mobile vendor has a simple interface. It is possible to integrate with each billing system, for example 1C: Enterprise. Using mobile seller will reduce to 50% of the time to prepare the document. Attention! To use mobile seller be installed on the PDA package Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition (627 KB) needs.

1 comment:

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