Tuesday, September 24, 2013

djScanMusik 3.3

djScanMusik - Search engine for audio files on your computer and the Internet. At the same time, you can search for text files and directories. The program currently works with. Mp3,. Wav,. Wma. Ogg. Txt. Doc. Docx. Rtf. Html,. Htm files. The main differences from the programs of this class: Comfortable your search results by category (audio, text, folder), the time and effort saved by instant search in real time - the search begins with the input of data into the search box Flexible search algorithm for finding the right even on grammatical errors by the user ("fuzzy filter") - useful for those who do not know or do not remember the correct name of the ability, your "replacement character" replenish - and this is important when working with Files downloaded from the Internet Channel Built - unlimited + save and load. Transferability compact "cast-files" to other users in the selection of the to drive what and what are the "cast" + record comment to a form view Create HTML report on the content with a choice of what to The report includes the ability to all audio files (see all) module "What's New?" - Notify and show what is new in the settings on these pages. You can view changes and a new whole page and configure on selected elements of the page, is cutting required. Built-in "Call". Are often the downloaded files from the Internet "translitirovannoe" title. For example: "Hello - poka.mp3" under the name "Privet - poka.mp3" are. When you say the search will be displayed and voted by transliteration files need to enable "use transliteration in the search." Is If translitirovaniya desired control can change or add to any language. "Accept messages from Winamp." If you have a text file containing the text and have the text appear in sync with the active track in Winamp sounds then this should enable "accept messages from Winamp" the. If there was a soundtrack to the text, it will be loaded into the window "Lirycs". If the auto-scroll, the text will scroll to sinhronono soundtrack. Manager software. For a simple file management is integrated into the "Backup Manager". With it, you can move, copy files from one directory to the directory from playlists and so on. If the filter is enabled, the sorting of the manager himself is create individual files and directories, if necessary.

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