SYE Timer - a free program that locked in a time interval of the computer, making it possible to reduce eye strain. Blocked not only the basic keyboard shortcuts like Alt + Tab, Alt + Esc, Ctrl + Esc, but the key is to win, and Task Manager. After the end of the program all locks and restrictions are removed. Written startup, so they will run with the specified intervals of 30 minutes or 1 hour - at first start SYE timer (Keep Your Eyes Save Your Eyes). Starts automatically if you do not remove it from the Startup program settings, or remove the program. They force to break away from the monitor 3 to 10 minutes per hour, will help your vision and support the time spent at the computer. SYE timer operates in two modes. In "normal" mode you can set the frequency of the car, and the interval of the timer. The "kids mode" No settings are not available, do not appear on the website and links to help file. Saved the registration information on the program settings in the thread "HKLM \ Software \ Sewell \ SYE timer". It is possible, the emergency program in the course of working close to a number of key phrases on the keyboard (closemenow).
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