Łódka 3D - 3D Editor nizkopoligonnyh a model for the game. Supports skeletal animation, including weight distribution, load, and save the model formats obj, smd, 3ds, x, MD2, MD3 and iodine. Model also loads of different games, including animations. Can expect the irradiance map. If the editor of Physics. Models Downloader format GLScene (Pascal) and C + +. Application examples. Ability to work with multiple models. Delaunay algorithms so. The points in order to create the surface The ability oteksturennye triangles next model shares with a mouse click. Opportunity to "earn" more dedicated one of the triangles. That it is appropriate to reduce the number of polygons in the polygon model. Opportunity to "pull" model of separate parts drawn with automatic creation of contours by parts. Scale the ability to move just / / turning points / triangles without. The need for keyboard input numbers A large number of units. With the ability to specify in detail the size, rotation, regulations, and other parameters. Cubes with smooth edges, stars, arrows oktaedry capsules, and so on and so forth can be used as primitives cutting tool, the cutting patterns in the interior of the primitive. Ability to write scripts to create your own primitives available. Language: DelphiWebScript. More opportunities for automatic positioning repositioning texture coordinates to the texture. Opportunity to clean up the model, by combining the points are close / texture coordinates, and deleting unused. The ability to quickly create models Loda. Location, a simple map of the lighting (laytmepy) raytracing expect. Possibility is easier to work directly with the points, texture coordinates and triangles, which is important for low-polygon modeling. The materials in the program to look in the engine GLScene that users might enjoy. Support for skeletal animation. Export / Import *. Smd. File format *. Iodine can store multiple animations in one model. Invite them much faster than files of type *. Smd how you are unable to convert text to numbers and files much smaller. Support razvesovok bone. Support rigid body physics. So, with the help of the editor, you can physical level graphics for games. The site developers have more Russian aid and a more detailed description.
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